Testimonials from Grope Users
My sex life had been rich and fulfilling. I'm 48 now, and I could feel the change. I needed a little more energy, a little more sex drive and I wished my erections stayed harder and longer. Within three weeks of using Grope I got it all back! A stronger libido, firmer and enhanced desire, and I last longer in bed. I remember how I looked at girls passing by when I was in early 20s. I have the same feeling again! - Walter, 48, NYC
Grope has made a big difference for me. Now that I get erections and sustain them to fully satisfy my wife I have more fun in bed. The overall quality of life has improved. I have more energy and I feel strong again. Grope has added a new dimension to my retirement. Love it! - Peter, 68, Naples, FL
I suspected it before but Grope has helped me understand it better: age has little to do with sex. There are men out there having the best sex of their lives well into their 70s and 80s! I strongly recommend the product to all my buddies, and women and Grope is what we talk and laugh about when we go golfing. Great stuff! Thanks. - John, 74, Miami, FL
I love the new Grope! All I can say is I haven't felt like this in years! Thanks for finally making a natural product that works around the clock, the way it should. I love not having to think about whether or not I took something before sex. - Stan, 44, West Hartford, CT
I am taking care of my body, and I understand the importance of giving my body the nutrients it needs to support my sexual health. Using Grope daily I get hard, recurring erections, heightened desire and stamina. Lucky? You bet. - Gerald, 64, Raleigh, NC

After taking 2 Grope capsules in the morning and 3 at night, for about one week I tried to reduce my Viagra dosage. Then I kept on gradually reducing Viagra usage, and I went from 100mg down to 50mg (cutting the 100mg viagra tablet in half), and then down to 25mg (cutting the 100mg viagra tablet in 4 parts). Now I am completely off viagra and being on Grope makes me feel like a teenager again!!! I don't even have to worry about needing to take something before sex, and I can do it on demand anywhere. My wife doesn't know what's gotten into me lately. Surprise surprise! - Ron, 56, Pembroke Pines, FL
I've been looking for something like this for years. Having tried many herbal supplements which didn't do much to help me last longer in bed, Grope finally succeeded where others have failed. I had to reduce my dosage to 2 capsules a day because my girlfriend was complaining I'm taking too long.... Now that was one complaint I would have never expected before I found this product! - Abe, 56, Cary, NC
What a relief it was to find a product that actually does what it claims! After a week of taking Grope, I couldn't believe how much my sex drive increased. I found myself getting erections from just looking at women walking on the street which hasn't happened to me since I was in high school. You have a customer for as long as I can keep my eyes open! - Ari, 58, Camden, NJ
I have been taking Viagra for about 3 years now, and found that the more often I took it, the more I needed to keep increasing my dose. This was scary because I could see the time when Viagra would no longer work for me at all. I tried Grope, and all I can say is what a relief!!! Not only do I take Viagra much less often now, but I have cut my dosage 4 times. My goal is to completely stop taking Viagra, and just keep taking the Grope supplements as I do my regular daily vitamins. What an easy way to feel like a man again. Thanks guys!!! - Raymond, 63, Tulsa, OK
Thanks to Sex
Sex is good for you! It breaks the routine, it's fun and it is the best exercise for your body and brain.
During intercourse your body produces endorphins - the hormones that make you happy. This is a unique chemical reaction that is prompted be the sexual activity, and it does not require any supplementation.
Both men and women enjoy the increase in the secretion of oxytocin, the "love hormone", which is critical for the female reproductive system and has many positive health influences for both men and women. Oxytocin evokes feelings of contentment, reductions in anxiety, and feelings of calmness and security.
Sex burns calories! Regular and active sex life is the best way to lose weight.
Many studies have demonstrated that sexually active people tend to have smoother and more radiant skin due to better quality of collagen and progesterone.
Sex builds your immune system. There is a notable study by the University of Nottingham, which concluded that men who have sex 3-4 times a week have a significantly lower risk of prostate cancer and infections.
Conclusion: Leave oculla scientific discussions to scholars and bloggers - just do it! And enjoy it!
If you experience an erection for more than 3 hours, please seek medical assistance immediately
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.